2025 Banquet

Don’t Miss it! Our 2025 NM Wild Sheep Foundation Banquet

Saturday, April 5 in Albuquerque

The Location will be the Tanoan Country Club,

10801 Academy Rd. NE in Albuquerque 87111, Time: 6-9 PM.

This Year’s Theme: “Women New Mexico Sheep Hunters”

Admission will be $45 per person, with children under 10 free. It will be faster if you bring lots of cash for admission, and our special raffle and bucket raffle tickets.

We can also take all major credit cards. You can pay ahead by using the attached form or calling/text 575-635-3499.

Dinner will be our famous Mexican Buffet and there will be a beer and wine cash bar.

We will have:

  • An auction for a broken horn Oryx hunt on the Armendaris Ranch.
  • Door prizes and our bucket raffles.
  • A $50/ticket rifle package raffle.
  • Our exciting $20 Ram Scoring Competition. A rifle scope goes to the winner.
  • A Power Point show presenting our 2024 Bighorn Sheep Hunters.
  • A short program on current events, past events, and plans for the future.
  • A presentation on the status of our recent wildlife water development projects.
  • And much more…………

Please RSVP no later than March 25th, if you plan to attend or have questions, text or call 575-635-3499. Or email: newmexicowildsheep@gmail.com or bartlebc@yahoo.com.

2025 New Mexico Wild Sheep Foundation

April 5th Banquet Ticket Order Form

If you would like to reserve and pay for a spot at our banquet in advance, you can provide the following information by March 25, 2025. You can also RSVP by March 25 and pay at the door.

Tickets are $45.00 per person and children under 10 years old are free.

You can pay in advance with a check or credit card using this form.

First Name: ________________________ Last Name: ________________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________

Number of Adults: ________    Number of Children under 10_________

Total Amount: _$________             Pay by:     Check: ______    Credit Card: ________

Credit Card No.: ________________________________________

Expiration Date: ____________________                      Security Code: ______________

Signature: ______________________________________

Mail Order form to: NM WSF

                                     PO Box 134

                                    Garfield, NM 87936

You can also order over the phone by calling Bryan Bartlett at: 575-635-3499.

Or email the form to: bartlebc@yahoo.com.